What is it about filming that fascinates me so much? Why has it become my life’s passion? Because it captures the present — fleeting, unique moments that will never happen again. Video is the only way to relive the past over and over… and over again. Let me give you an example: a recent moment with our loved ones, which we might not consider important right now, but how much would we give to experience it again 50 years from now? I can speak from personal experience, as my family has preserved film reels from the 1970s, capturing everyday life — walks in the forest, skating on the pond, family gatherings, Christmas celebrations, and more. From the perspective of that time, it was nothing extraordinary. But today, it’s an absolute treasure, evoking deep emotions from the witnesses and descendants of all those smiling people on those black-and-white films, who are no longer with us. Video, simply put, grows in value with each passing day from the moment it’s taken, and it’s a shame not to have it for significant life events like a wedding, for instance. Take a moment, pause, reflect, and recognize the profound impact it can have. And in conclusion? Welcome to my website.
email: md@martindostal.art
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